50 Cent quer trabalhar com Robbie Williams. O rapper diz que já trabalhou com quase toda a gente com quem queria trabalhar mas só que ainda falta Robbie Williams. 50 disse que ambos já tinham falado sobre uma colaboração mas não conseguiram fazer nada pois Robbie tinha ido para a reabilitação. Mas 50 não desiste, diz que Williams tem uma boa voz e uma energia diferente das que ele está habituado a ouvir e que ainda deseja colaborar com o cantor britânico.

50 Cent wants to work with Robbie Williams. 50 says he's worked with pretty much everybody he wanted apart from Robbie Williams. The rapper says: "During the Curtis album we talked about working together and we set up some time to go into the studio to make something happen and then he went to rehab right before we got into our session. So it never actually happened. But I still want to do it. He has a unique voice and a different kind of energy to anyone I’ve ever ­listened to. It will make for a different kind of hit record. So make sure you tell him to pick up the phone."