Lady GaGa Cancels Show Due to Exhaustion
Coitada! Já não é a 1ª vez que ela fica assim... Os fãs que iriam ao concerto de GaGa ontem em West Lafayette não tiveram a oportunidade de ver a cantora. GaGa desmaiou no camarim e foi assistida por paramédicos que recomendaram que ela cancelásse o concerto. Via twitter a cantora manifestou o seu pesar aos fãs e explicou o sucedido:
"Os paramédicos cuidaram de mim e disseram-me que que o meu ritmo cardíaco estava irregular, resultante de exaustão e desidratação."
Ela pediu desculpas aos fãs e promete compensar os fãs na actuação do dia 26 de Janeiro.
Poor thing... This isn't the 1st time that this happens to her... fans that were going to GaGa's concert yesterday in West Lafayette didn't get the chance to watch her. She fell ill and was advised not to do the show and rest for a few days. Via twitter she told fans she was sorry and explained what happened:
"Paramedics came to take care of me, and told me my heart-rate was irregular-- a result of exhaustion and dehydration."
"can't apologize enough for how sorry I am. I could hear my fans cheering from my dressing room, I begged everyone to let me go onstage."
"I hope you can forgive me. I love my little monsters more than anything, you are everything to me. I will make-up the performance on Jan 26."