Aqui tens um vídeo com o áudio da cover de Everybody Hurts dos REM com o objectivo de angariar dinheiro para ajudar as vítimas do terramoto no Haiti. Estrelas como Mariah Carey, Leona Lewis, Susan Boyle, Cheryl Cole, Take That, Kylie Minogue, entre outros, juntaram-se a esta causa! O single será lançado a 7 de Fevereiro (digitalmente) e a 8 em formato de CD. Não irei postar o mp3 pois o objectivo é angariar dinheiro para uma boa causa!

Here you have a video with the cover of REM's Everybody Hurts with the purpose to raise money to help the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Stars like Mariah Carey, Leona Lewis, Take That, Susan Boyle, Cheryl Cole, Kylie MInogue and many others joined this cause in the song! The single will be released for download on February 7th and the CD will be released on the 8th! I won't be posting the mp3 since the purpose is to raise money for a good cause!