Suns Up Share New Single ‘Typical’
Sussex band Suns Up - fronted by singer David Kelly, with Sam Salkeld on guitar and Matt Wagstaff on drums - have just shared their brand new single Typical, a sun-soaked piece of indie-rock music out now via Runway Artists.
I am a fan of David Kelly's vocals and how they glide effortlessly over the infectious melodies. Typical is a song about revisiting the villages the band members grew up in and seeing how things have changed since they left. Whenever we go back to a place we haven't been for a while, we experience it differently, even if the physical locations haven't changed much. The whole song has a warm, laid-back atmosphere that makes me feel that it sounds great for those summer road trips. There are also some touches of nostalgia that I really like and I am particularly fond of the intricate guitar riffs, steady percussion, memorable chorus and its overall summery atmosphere. Check it out below!