ROREY Shares New Single ‘Sleepwalking’

American singer-songwriter ROREY shares her brand new single Sleepwalking, the second single to be lifted from her upcoming sophomore EP, Dysphoria. 
I am really fond of her vocals and how smooth, sensual and hazy they sound, gliding nonchalantly over the upbeat, dreamy indie-pop production. Those vocals and harmonies infuse the song with a dreamy, ethereal touch that is nicely paired with melodic hooks that blur the lines between the conscious and the subconscious, inviting introspection and exploration. Apart from those hypnotic vocals, I am particularly fond of the killer bass seamlessly intertwined with intricate guitar riffs, subtle atmospherics and steady drum patterns that create an overall warm, laid-back atmosphere.



ROREY confides,
Sleepwalking is my disassociation anthem. I wanted to paint this vivid image of me walking down the street experiencing life in a way that made absolutely no sense. I felt so delusional and removed at the time; (sleepwalking) through life in this almost dream-like state.